

As this chapter comes to an end the topic, we will focus on is Biometrics and how it came to mind. Sitting here at home I was ponde
ring on topics we needed to discuss that’s relevant to year 2023 and beyond. Biometrics came to mind and how people are affected by it daily and may not even realize it. As technology change and becoming more sophisticated new technology is being incorporated or used in other ways. We will go over Biometrics technology and how it is being used all around use. 

        Biometrics technology is an automatic recognition technology that recognizes individuals base on unique physical characteristics and is used typically for security purposes. It uses Facial Action Coding Systems that create mathematical recognizable pattern on physical characteristics of someone’s eye, palm, fingers, and face to allow access. This technology uses webcam videos in real-time to create Java programs and used all around us and is incredible. Some of us use it daily to access our phones, computers, homes, and places of employment. Biometrics is one of the leading technologies that I believe we will see used a lot in the coming years. It is currently being used in government building where cleared personal need to access controlled infrastructure. 

One amazing thing about Biometrics is that it can be incorporated in any business to control the access, but it comes at a cost. The nice thing about controlling who has access to confidential data, areas, and builds it provides people with a sense of security. Biometrics can incorporate into existing systems that has controlled access that uses turnstiles, card readers, or door locks. As stated earlier it comes at a cost, we must figure out the return on investment (ROI). When doing so you must consider the cost of training, software, hardware, maintenance, and ongoing support. It would also be important to consider the potential risk by performing a risk assessment. When identifying the potential risk ask yourself about the vulnerabilities associated with the new technology and how others feel about it. 

As we focus on how biometrics can be used for controlled access, and we will know switch gears to focus on more personal reasons. Biometrics is being consider for use to verify if a person has voted and to, he prevent voter fraud. We should also focus on the uses that can come from this technology and how it could be used to protect our personal information. We may see it used to verify a person’s credit card that’s being used to purchase groceries or other items from stores all around the world. Think about the sense of security you would have when purchasing a item using your credit card or debit card. Imagine being at a store where you had to scan your eyes, fingers, hands, or even multiple personal characteristics before paying. 

As you think about how biometrics may affect you in the future just don’t consider the positive affects but consider the negative effects. Consider the negative effects of having your personal data stored around the world and how it could be used in the wrong hands. Think about how the government could track your every step and how they always know your whereabouts. Consider what your data could be used for and how it could be used to evaluate you and other around the world. Consider how your person data can tell your personal story and the story of others. 


Odess, L., Wilson, C., C.S.P.M., & Dalal, M. (2023, Sep). Biometrics From Theory to Reality.Listen         to selection Security Technology Executive, 33, 36-39.                                                               

Weinberg, J. T. (2016). Biometric Identity. Communications of the ACM, 59(1), 30–32.                    

 Novielli, N., Grassi, D., Lanubile, F., & Serebrenik, A. (2022). Sensor-Based Emotion Recognition         in Software Development: Facial Expressions as Gold Standard. 2022 10th International                   Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Affective Computing            and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2022 10th International Conference On, 1–8.                        


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